Different approaches and processes can be implemented as part of a research project – but the best approach is the one that will get you the most accurate assessment! This workshop will address best practice approaches to designing research programs that combine scientific rigour with practical efficiency. We will look at the philosophy underpinning different approaches and how and when different techniques should be used.
Time: 2:55pm – 3:40pm
Clifford Lewis is a Senior Consultant at Instinct and Reason (www.instinctandreason.com) and works across a range of qualitative and quantitative research projects for state and federal government, private-sector and not-for-profit clients. Prior to market research, Clifford completed a PhD in Marketing at the University of Wollongong focusing on how places can be positioned as fashionable destinations. His research has been published in several international journals and he has been invited to present his work at various conferences and institutions.
Based on his experience, he has a unique understanding of research and research methods combining the scientific rigour and protocols followed by academia with practical feasibility imposed on commercial research.